Saturday, August 19, 2006

Message of Area K2 Governor - Sandakan Toastmasters Club Installation

My congratulations to Sandakan Toastmasters Club President, the executive committee and all members on the occasion of your installation. My congratulations also goes to the newly elected executive committee members. I wish you a new term full of success and glory.

Toastmasters club installation is always a function to look forward to as it symbolizes the ending of one chapter and the beginning of a new chapter. It is also time to count the success that has been achieved for the previous term and at the same time charting a new plan for higher achievements.

The Installation is also a function for joy, fellowship, enjoyment and feasting. With such a significance it is not a surprise that a lot of planning and hardwork are needed from all members. The success of tonight’s function, in fact, has a lot to do with toastmastering.

Toastmaster is not about talking and giving speeches. It also involves listening, observing, good communication and leadership skills. Tonight’s function is where all the skills learned in Toastmasters’ training been put into practice and put into test. Toastmaster is everywhere!

Wishing you all a pleasant evening.

Area K2 Governor

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