Saturday, October 14, 2006

You Made It Happened!

Dear Fellow Toastmasters,

I recovered after 2 days’ leave. Life goes back to normal, but the memories of the wonderful moment we shared during the Convention in Tawau will remain forever. Thanks to everyone who have participated and contributed in one way or another to make it happened, I love you all!

Congratulations to all the contestants of the speech contests, to me, you are all winners!

Special thanks to Division K Council under the leadership of Fatimah Yassin for granting us the opportunity to host the function. It was exciting and educating, all our hard work paid off.

We also like to thank the 3 workshop speakers: Richard A Gontusan from KK, Ler Liong Heng from Johor and Low Yat Seow from KL. I salute you!

Of course we have not forgotten Tawau TMC, President Vera
Yap, Lee Chye Ewe and members for your assistance in the convention.

May I wish you all the best.

Lee Le Min & the Organising Committee

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Division K Semi-Annual Convention report in brief

To the Convention Organising Committee and Fellow Toastmasters,

Congratulations to the sterling performance of Host Club, Tawau Mandarin and joint efforts of Tawau Toastmasters Club for the success at the Semi-Annual Convention held in Tawau recently. Those who have missed the fun, I hope the Toastmasters in Division K can make it to the next District Semi-Annual Convention this November 17-19 in Kuala Lumpur.

To the Organising Committee and team: It is indeed inspiring to work with you who have shown much passion in the many jobs assigned to you and getting all jobs done. You are indeed AMAZING TOASTMASTERS!

Leading an organized event is certainly a challenging task. Sometimes we can’t please everyone. To face the obstacles, we need to take one step at a time and try to live up to the expectation. In trying to do the best, you have done the best. Thank you for your endurance, time and energy and perhaps money too……

A brief report for those who have missed the fun……

1. There are about 90 attendants of delegates, friends and guests who participated at the Convention programs

2. The theme ‘Cocoa Nite’ at the Fellowship Dinner brought alive the environment of Cocoa Farm and Farmers alike. Dressed to the theme attire and the aroma of cocoa , the atmosphere had certainly got everyone spell-bound as everyone anticipated the FUN in store for everyone! Yes! What fun it was!!!....

The Toastmasters of the Evening, Lee Chye Ewe (Area K2 Governor) took the mike with his KILI KALA KILI KALA KUNG KUNG HEI warm up encore – much to the delight of everyone that echoed on for days….. What a smashing idea it was!

The cocoa nite was made significant as they drank down the cocoa concoction prepared in baby-bottle nursed by mother-nature to the over-grown male babies – blindfolded as they fumbled to aim the mouths to feed. The winner was one who finished first at gulping record of time! Much to the amusement of everyone……

To the mothers and babies like – PRA…..SAN

3. Dinner was plentiful; much to the delight of Muslim delegates who broke fast of Ramadan.

4. The highlight of the evening was the performance of ‘swan lake’ Past and Present District Officers of Div.K put on their white gear - head to toes as they danced to the music. It was an impromptu for everyone as they intended to look like a so-called swan lake ballerina of their own kinds that delighted everyone! The dance was definitely the entertainment of the evening! If I can say that for myself.

Of course! It was the first for everyone on stage. Any more surprises?? There’s nothing what Toastmasters cannot do – and they did! With muscles and guts

…..Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest goose of them all…….
Well-done guys. ENCORE at next round at Annual Convention in Brunei!

That was just the kick-off of the evening. The rest was delightfully fun. IF only you were there!

If anybody deserves the praise more, it is the Organising Chairperson, Lee Le Min and his dynamic committee who worked tirelessly to make the Division Convention a great success.

Kili Kala Kili Kala Kung Kung Hei!

5. We thank our Past Dist.51 Governor, Low Yat Seow, Ler Liong Heng, ATMB from JB and Richard A Gontusan, DTM: the Speakers for the Convention Workshop. The Contestants, all registrants and resouce persons, who have in one way or another, help to make this Convention a success.

Si Share Ni Men, Thank You All, Terima Kasih Semua.....

DvG Fatimah

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Thank You - Division K 11th Semi Annual Convention

Dear all,

My sincere thanks and gratitude to all of you who have given us the support and encouragement for making the 11th Semi Annual Convention in Tawau a real success.

It was indeed a wonderful experience to be your host for both the fellowship night (cocoa night) and the speech contests.

Kili kala kili kala kung kung hei!

Thank you.


Chye Ewe



8 October 2006, Tawau, Sabah

Humorous Speech Contestants

K1 Izan Binti Awang Razli - Encounter of The Third Kind
K2 Dusun Chong Ket Vui - MBA – Married Before & After
K4 Stanley Joibi - Colour My World
K6 Mathew Martin - That Which Divides Us
K7 Chua Vee Lee - Crisis Management


  1. Izan Binti Awang Razli
  2. Mathew Martin
  3. Chua Vee Lee

Evaluation Speech Contestants

K1 Shahar Banon Hassan
K2 Datuk Hassan Alban Sandukung
K4 Ivy Fung Oi Wei
K6 Mathew Martin


  1. Mathew Martin
  2. Shahar Banon Hassan

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Utusan Daripada Area K2 Governor - Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club

Saya ingin mengucapkan tahniah dan syabas kepada Presiden, Ahli-ahli Exco serta ahli-ahli Kelab Pidato Sandakan kerana mengadakan majlis angkat sumpah. Ucapan tahniah saya juga ditujukan kepada semua ahli Exco yang baru sahaja dipilih. Saya yakin kepimpinan ini akan membawa kelab ini ke mercu kejayaan.

Majlis angkat sumpah sering kali menjadi majlis yang dinanti-nantikan kerana ia menandakan berakhirnya satu era dan bermulanya era yang baru. Ia juga merupakan masa untuk menilai semula pencapaian dan kejayaan yang telah dikecapi pada penggal yang lepas di samping merancang program baru untuk penggal yang akan datang.

Majlis ini juga merupakan majlis untuk bersuka ria, merapatkan hubungan silahturahim, hiburan dan berpesta. Dengan ini, sudah tentu banyak masa dan tenaga dicurahkan untuk menjayakan majlis ini. Kerjasama dan sumbangan daripada setiap ahli sudah tentu amat diperlukan. Tidak hairanlah jika kejayaan majlis ini dikatakan banyak berkait rapat dengan Toastmasters.

Pidato atau Toastmaster bukan sekadar memberi ucapan. It meliputi pemumukan pelbagai kemahiran seperti mendengar, memerhati, komunikasi dan kepimpinan. Dalam majlis seperti inilah semua kemahiran yang telah dipelajari daripada program Toastmasters, digunapakai, diuji dan dikembangkan. Toastmasters sebenarnya berada di mana-mana!

Selamat maju jaya.

Area K2 Governor

Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club Installation

with the Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club Members
Area Governor with Division K Governor Fatimah Yassin and members from Pidato and Sandakan Toastmasters Club

Area Governor Lee Chye Ewe with the newly installed Executive Committee Members

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Message of Area K2 Governor - Sandakan Toastmasters Club Installation

My congratulations to Sandakan Toastmasters Club President, the executive committee and all members on the occasion of your installation. My congratulations also goes to the newly elected executive committee members. I wish you a new term full of success and glory.

Toastmasters club installation is always a function to look forward to as it symbolizes the ending of one chapter and the beginning of a new chapter. It is also time to count the success that has been achieved for the previous term and at the same time charting a new plan for higher achievements.

The Installation is also a function for joy, fellowship, enjoyment and feasting. With such a significance it is not a surprise that a lot of planning and hardwork are needed from all members. The success of tonight’s function, in fact, has a lot to do with toastmastering.

Toastmaster is not about talking and giving speeches. It also involves listening, observing, good communication and leadership skills. Tonight’s function is where all the skills learned in Toastmasters’ training been put into practice and put into test. Toastmaster is everywhere!

Wishing you all a pleasant evening.

Area K2 Governor

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Area K2 Council

Area Governor

Asst. AG Education and Training

Asst. AG Marketing



Presidents of
TAWAU Toastmasters Club

SANDAKAN Toastmasters Club

SANDAKAN PIDATO Toastmasters Club

VPEs of
TAWAU Toastmasters Club

SANDAKAN Toastmasters Club, CTM, CL

SANDAKAN PIDATO Toastmasters Club

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI)

The first TLI for Division K was carried out on 9th July 2006 at Kinabalu College, Wisma Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

District 51 Governor, Sivanganam, Division K Governor, Fatimah Yassin, TIL Chairman LeAn Tang

KK Chee

Area K2 Governor Lee Chye Ewe with Fatimah Yassin and Sivanganam

Monday, May 1, 2006


This is the official website for Area K 2 of Division K Toastmasters International. Area K 2 covers clubs in Sandakan, Tawau and Lahad Datu.

This site will be the source of informations on club news, activities and feed back. Please make full use of this site.

By the way, this site is set up in advance. Officially it only starts on 1st July 2006.