Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club Installation

Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club held its club officers installation on 11th August 2007. Division K Governor Adrew Thien, DTM was the guest of honour who also conducted the installation ceremony.

Other dignitaries includes Sandakan Member of Parliament YB Chong Hon Min, Immediate Past Division K Governor Fatimah Yassin, ATMS, AL, Past Division K Governor Richard Gontusan, DTM, Immediate Past Area K 2 Governor Lee Chye Ewe, DTM and his wife Christine Lok, Past Area K 2 Governor Luna Chua, ATMB and President of Sandakan Toastmaters Coub, Datin Grace Chiu, CL.

President Datuk Hassan Alban Sandukong, ACG, and his committee been installed by Division K Governor, Andrew Thien, DTM

Immediate Past Area K 2 Governor, Lee Chye Ewe, DTM receiving appreciation award from out going President Datin Nuri, CC, for coaching the Club back into good shape.

Members and Guests

Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club which achieved President's Distinguished Club award for the term 2006/2007 has promised to make another excellence performance for the new term.
Outgoing President Datin Nuri, CC, thanked her members for their collective efforts in restrustruring the club. They started 2006/2007 term with 9 members but has increased its membership to 21 at the end of June. She specifically thanked Immediate Past Division K Governor Fatimah Yassin, AL, Past Area K 2 Governor Luna Chua, ATMB and Immediate Past Area K 2 Governor Lee Chye Ewe, DTM for their efforts in guiding, assisting, supporting and helping the club. The three were given the "Golden Heart Award" in appreciation of their efforts.

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