Saturday, March 13, 2010

Area K2 International & Table Topics Speech Contests 2010

Lee Chye Ewe from Tawau Toastmasters Club and Norman Chin from Sandakan Toastmasters Club were winners at the Toastmasters International District 51, Area K2 International & Table Topics Speech Contests on 13th March 2010. Lee Chye Ewe won the Table Topics Speech Contest while Norman Chin won the International Speech Contest. Grace Yong from Tawau Toastmasters Club won the second place for both Contests.

The Area level speech contests were held in Tawau with contestants from Sandakan and Tawau Toastmasters Clubs. Speech Contests are annual events for the Toastmasters Clubs all over the world which provide opportunities for proficient speakers to gain contest experience and give recognition to the best as an encouragement to others. The speech contests also provide opportunities to their members and the general public to learn by observing the performance of the more proficient speakers. 

Contestants of Table Topics Speech Contest were ask to comment impromptu on 'You are What You Think' in 3 minutes. Norman Chin spoke on "The Do Seller" while Grace Yong presented "For The Better Or Worse" in the International Speech Contest. 

Area Governor Eleanor Pang presented the prizes to the winners while Datin Betty Hiew was the Organising Chairperson as well as the Contest Chair. Division Governor Datuk Hassan Alban Sandukung was also present. 

The Champions from both contests, Lee Chye Ewe and Norman Chin will represent Area K2 to compete in the Division level contests to be held on 28th March 2010 in Kota Kinabalu. 

More photos for the contests here