Saturday, July 3, 2010

Achieving Greatness Together

Pat Johnson’s
Presidential Theme 2010–2011

Toastmasters: Achieving Greatness Together 
Consider this wise observation from the yoga sutras of Patanjali:
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
When I first read these words, I was amazed by how accurately they reflect our Toastmasters experience. It takes true inspiration and vision of whom and what we can become to bring us through the door of our very first Toastmasters meeting. It is said that a vision pulls us forward while fear pushes us. Whether it was the vision of the person you could become and the skills you could develop, or it was the fear or lack of confidence that pushed you through the door, welcome! Welcome to the safe and supportive environment where greatness happens!
When I was a relatively new Toastmaster, I believed I was a typical member. I thought most people came to the program looking for the same things I did. But what an amazing revelation this experience has been! I currently find people joining clubs worldwide who already have very sophisticated communication and leadership skills, people who already possess confidence and self-esteem. And so, I gradually realized that there is no typical new Toastmaster and therefore no “cookie-cutter” definition of how to define greatness for them. Indeed, greatness can be defined differently for each of us, depending on where our Toastmasters experience began. For some, greatness represents the newly-acquired ability to confidently organize and chair a meeting at work. For others it is evident when they rise to deliver a toast or a eulogy, or when they step onto the stage to deliver a world-class competitive speech. And yet for others, it is when they transfer these skills to their many and varied roles in life such as parent, spouse, sibling, employer or employee. Many others can look for their greatness in the application of their leadership skills by evolving and growing into greater, more confident versions of themselves.
As we mentor and support one another in our club environment, we share our own personal greatness. Toastmasters International is in the education business. Each time we offer an evaluation or feedback in the form of applause or a suggestion for improvement, we change the lives of men and women around the world — one person at a time, one assignment at a time. Step by step, we develop our own version of greatness. Mark Caine said, “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” Our Toastmasters program empowers us to break the bonds of captivity, to shrug off our lack of self-esteem and lack of confidence, and to move through the various levels of communication and leadership development, experiencing mini steps of success each time we challenge ourselves.
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt must have been watching an Ice Breaker in a Toastmasters meeting. How many of us have stood in front of our club and had to stare down fear? That is greatness being born — right there, right in that moment. And it continues as we rise to face each of our fears or as our vision of a greater future draws us forward. There is a great depth and quality to our programs that responds to whatever our learning needs are. There is always something new, challenging and exciting to strive for within our program, if we care to find it. I believe that when we are ready to learn, the teacher will appear. And in my experience that teacher has been the Toastmasters program for more than 27 years.
Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, “Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it — but sail we must and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” So my fervent wish for each of us is that we spend some time recognizing and acknowledging our own personal greatness. Remember that your greatness will be unique to you. It will be as unique as your own DNA. We need to take action, to set and achieve goals, to continue to work the program and to challenge ourselves today to develop into greater communicators and greater leaders tomorrow. So I challenge each club leader to create an environment within our clubs where we elicit each individual’s greatness. And I ask each member to continue to challenge you to grow and develop into the best communicator and leader you can be. John Buchan said, “The task of leadership is not to put greatness into people, but to elicit it, for the greatness is there already.”
Norman Cousins sums up my thoughts and feelings on the concept of our Achieving Greatness Together within the Toastmasters program. He said, “If something comes to life in others because of you, then you have made an approach to immortality.” This is the gift we give, as well as receive, in our Toastmasters club environment. That is greatness!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Register Now For The International Convention

  June 14, 2010
Dear Toastmaster,

If you are planning to attend the 79th annual Toastmasters International Convention in Palm Desert this August, be sure to take advantage of the early-bird discount.

The regular price for the full Convention package is $625 per person, but if you register by July 9, your cost will be $575. Even if you miss the early-bird deadline, be sure to register ahead of time - the on-site cost for a full Convention package will be $725.

This year's event will be bigger and better than ever - with more speech contests and opportunities for personal and professional enrichment than ever before.

You'll gain tools and tips on how to be a better leader and communicator from Golden Gavel recipient Carolyn Kepcher and keynote speaker, television host and fellow Toastmaster Todd Newton. Additional expert presenters will offer education sessions on topics crucial to your personal and professional success. A complete schedule of speakers and events is available at the Toastmasters Web site.

Plus, there's no better time to see old friends and create new memories with the many Toastmasters from around the world who attend Convention each year.
July 9 is coming soon, so make your plans today!
Toastmasters International
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Tawau Toastmasters Club Hosting the 15th Semi-Annual Convention

Tawau Toastmasters Club has been given the opportunity to host the Toastmasters International District 87, Division K 15th Semi-Annual Convention on 9th & 10th October 2010.

Current club President Rosslin Peter Rosen is the Organising Chairperson for the convention and is working very hard to ensure the success of the event.

More details are available at, the Convention official website.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Area Governor's Message

Message from Area K2 Governor  2010-2011 
Norman Chin, ACB,CL
On Tawau Toastmasters Club's 14th Installation Banquet, 6th June 2010

First of all, I would like to congratulate outgoing president, Rosslin Rosen, ACB, CL, for her outstanding leadership in making Tawau Toastmasters Club a Distinguish Club. A job well done!

And today, the responsibility will be handed on, to incoming president, Lynda Lee Ping, CC, CL to carry on the legacy to make Tawau Toastmasters Club as one of the finest clubs in Division K, District 87.

I used to believe that Communication Skill is the key for having a successful career, but eventually, I found out that it is not true. Communication skill is EVERYTHING. Communication is the bridge to success in your career, personal relationship, family life and most of all, if you cannot communicate effectively in a positive, productive and powerful manner, you are destined to have an unsuccessful life.

Toastmasters Club provides a wonderful platform to sharpen and enhance ones’ communication skills and builds confidence within us through public speaking and leadership. Success is preparation meets opportunity. If you have not prepared yourself, even when Mr. Opportunity comes and knocks on your door, you will not be qualified to welcome him to your world.

This term, President Lynda has chosen her theme as “Stepping Up Stepping Out”. It is very appropriate, for we join Toastmasters with the purpose to Step Up and Step Out of our comfort zone. When we step out from our comfort zone, we learn and expand. As we learn and expand, we are preparing ourselves for a better future. When we are prepared, and Mr. Opportunity come and knock at our door, guess what….. Success!

I look forward for another successful term for Tawau Toastmasters Club.

Note: Coverage of the event here and

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tawau Won District 51 Best Club Website Award

Tawau Toastmasters Club webmaster, Lee Chye Ewe, won the 2009/2010 District 51 Best Website Award. He received the award from District 51 Governor Ritchie Chong during the district's 17th Annual Convention in Miri, Sarawak recently.

This is the 2nd time a Club in Area K 2 won the award. Lee also won the Golden Webpage Award for the term 2008/2009.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Area K2 To Lead Division K Again

Another leader from Area K2, Datin Grace Chiu of Sandakan Toastmasters Club has been elected to lead Division K under the newly realigned District 87. Division K was previously under District 51. Toastmasters Clubs in Indonesia, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan will be grouped under District 87 from 1st July 2010.

Datin Grace Chiu, Past District Mentoring Chair, Past Area K2 Governor and Past President of Sandakan Toastmasters Club is the third leaders from Area K2 elected as Division K Governor. The other two being Datuk Hassan Alban Sandukong and Eleanor Wong, also from Sandakan Toastmasters Club.

Datin Grace Chiu, (back row 1st on the left) with the rest of District 87 officers

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Area K2 International & Table Topics Speech Contests 2010

Lee Chye Ewe from Tawau Toastmasters Club and Norman Chin from Sandakan Toastmasters Club were winners at the Toastmasters International District 51, Area K2 International & Table Topics Speech Contests on 13th March 2010. Lee Chye Ewe won the Table Topics Speech Contest while Norman Chin won the International Speech Contest. Grace Yong from Tawau Toastmasters Club won the second place for both Contests.

The Area level speech contests were held in Tawau with contestants from Sandakan and Tawau Toastmasters Clubs. Speech Contests are annual events for the Toastmasters Clubs all over the world which provide opportunities for proficient speakers to gain contest experience and give recognition to the best as an encouragement to others. The speech contests also provide opportunities to their members and the general public to learn by observing the performance of the more proficient speakers. 

Contestants of Table Topics Speech Contest were ask to comment impromptu on 'You are What You Think' in 3 minutes. Norman Chin spoke on "The Do Seller" while Grace Yong presented "For The Better Or Worse" in the International Speech Contest. 

Area Governor Eleanor Pang presented the prizes to the winners while Datin Betty Hiew was the Organising Chairperson as well as the Contest Chair. Division Governor Datuk Hassan Alban Sandukung was also present. 

The Champions from both contests, Lee Chye Ewe and Norman Chin will represent Area K2 to compete in the Division level contests to be held on 28th March 2010 in Kota Kinabalu. 

More photos for the contests here

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Area K2 International & Table Topics Speech Contests

Date:  Saturday, March 13, 2010
Time: 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Location: Conference Room, Persekutuan Persatuan-Persatuan Cina Tawau, Ba Zhong Commercial Centre, Tawau, Sabah

Winners from Sandakan Toastmasters Club, Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club and Tawau Toastmasters Club will compete in this event.

Tawau Toastmasters Club held the club level contests on 9th February 2010 while Sandakan Toastmasters Club members are contesting on 27th February 2010.

Please contact Organising Chairperson, Datin Betty Hiew at for further information.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) II, 30th January 2010, Sandakan, Sabah

The History

Ever since Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) was introduced, as for Division K which consists of clubs in Sabah, Labuan and Brunei, it has always been held in Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Sabah. By having the  majority of clubs in its surrounding, the choice of venue is obvious.

Club officers outside Kota Kinabalu namely Labuan, Brunei Darul Salam, Sandakan and Tawau will have no choice but to fly in. With proper planning and careful consideration, the TLI would be a very great learning and sharing expression for all.

However after a few instances of last minute changes of venue, time and date, the TLI has created a lot of unnecessary problems for club officers who have to fly in. More than often they have to forfeit their  flight tickets due to the last minute changes. After various complaints from affected club officers, the changes were restored but the damaged was done.

The idea of conducting TLI outside Kota Kinabalu was then mooted. This would allow for better participation   for members outside Kota Kinabalu and also allow members around Kota Kinabalu to experience for themselves when more preparations are needed. Such experience will certainly help in clubs hosting future TLI or events which require participation from the whole Division or even District.

That was how the first TLI outside Kota Kinabalu was conducted in Sandakan, The Nature City of Sabah.

TLI II, 2009/2010

Having known the history, the expectations on TLI II in Sandakan was definitely high. The host, Sandakan Toastmasters Club, did not disappoint. The organising team did very well and the preparations were careful, thoughtful and thorough. Division K Governor Datuk Hassan even dispatched his vehicle to transport members and trainers flying in to Sandakan. Sandakan Toastmasters Club members also rendered their hospitality on the transportation and booking of hotels. For members who have participated in Division, Area and Club level events such as Convention, TLI, Speech Contests and Installations, such hospitality is not new for clubs in Sandakan, Tawau and Brunei.

The TLI II proper was a good experience and learning opportunity for all, even for officers who have attended before the TLI more than once. District Governor, Ritchie Chong, despite having a plane to catch to his very important family function, did not  disappoint the participants either. He shared his thoughts, skills and experience. It was enlightening and eye opening listening and watching top district officer in action. It also helped to enhance the commitments of club officers to serve even better. The District Governor also spoke on Election of Area Governor which should be conducted soon.

The man who is slotted to be the first District 87 Governor, Md Ariff motivated and inspired the participants. District 51 will split into two with Penisular Malaysia assuming the present district number while Indonesia, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan will be in district 87 comes July 2010. Ariff promised a new and down to earth approach to improve on club membership.

Some strange but interesting things happened during Md Ariff's hour long presentation. First when he switched off all the lights in the room and started to recite his sharing, the minute he said the rising sun and his right hand pointed to the door, the door opened and Pangiran of Sandakan Pidato Toastmasters Club walked in.

Later he was praising the organiser by saying that after so many TLIs, it was the first time he was offered a microphone to speak. He then announced that the session would break out for discussion. As soon as he did that the room blacked out, though it is very common in Sabah.

Despite all that Md Ariff has proven himself as the capable District Governor to be and has successfully inspired the club officers to continue serving their respective clubs even better.

District 51 TLI Chair Sandrasegaran, fondly known as Sandra (without the skirt) flew in just in time to conduct the next session. He spoke on Conflict Management. As Toastmasters club officers are all volunteers from various groups and backgrounds, Sandra's presentation come handy and timely.

Besides the presentations from 3 top District 51 officers, there was also a sharing and discussion session within each Areas. A Q&A session was next for the District officers to take questions from the floor. The Division council members stayed back for meeting while other club officers left for home or stayed back to explore the Nature City of Sandakan.

General Notes

1. The venue was suitable to accommodate club officers from all over Division K, despite Brunei not being able to make it. The lecture hall at Yu Yuan Secondary School is just perfect for the training and refreshments were served next door.

2. Refreshments were sufficient and suited everyone's taste.

3. Transportation and accommodation for outstation club officers were well planned and executed.

4. Trainers Ritchie Chong, Md Ariff and Sandra were all well prepared, experienced and presented from the heart instead of from the notes.

5. Fellowship among participants was great before, during and after the TLI. Everyone felt at home.

6. Division Governor has been sporting and supportive enough to sit through the whole session. However his frequent interjections of quotations might not to the liking of everyone.

8. Credits should be given to Division K Secretary Ling How Kee, Organiser and MC Shane Ho, District 51 Mentoring Chair Datin Grace Chiu, President and members of Sandakan Toastmasters Club, not forgetting all the participants from all over Division K.

9. The TLI II in Sandakan has certainly set a good benchmark for all future organisers to put in more efforts, thoughts and considerations to further improve on any Toastmasters events.

Lee Chye Ewe
Area K2 Governor 2006/2007